Bluey: Series 1 Episode 13: Spy Game
At a BBQ in the park Bluey and her friends are hard at work on their spy game, making a device that allows them to control the grownups.
Watch Series 1 Episode 13 – Spy Game
Social Enotional Learning (SEL)
- How to be part of a group
- Cooperation
Bluey ignored Bingo’s requests and eventually Bingo had enough and stopped playing the game.
- How did Bingo feel?
- Why did Bluey make the decisions she did?
- Was it a good or bad decision?
Cooperating with others
In small groups, students will brainstorm how they can use:
- My hands (caring, encouraging)
- My voice (praise, welcoming)
- My eyes (focus)
- My ears (listen)
to work with others when playing a game.
Download How to work with friends worksheet